Comprehensive Psychological Services
C.E.S. offers support services for students in area public schools.
We have a team of school psychologists and behavioral analysists that provide contracted services to are public schools.
We offer comprehensive assessments and evaluations for students including:
- Comprehensive psychoeducational evaluations to generate information regarding continued eligibility for special education services as well as specific programming recommendations
- Diagnostic/Classification assessment specific to autism spectrum disorder, dyslexia, intellectual impairment
- Functional Behavioral Assessment for behavioral intervention with specific target behaviors
- Ecological Assessment
- Trauma Informed Assessment
- Assessment of culturally and linguistically diverse students
We offer consultation services including:
- Consultation regarding individual student IEP development and progress monitoring
- Consultation to staff regarding the provision of special education and related services to one or more students
- Consultation to schools regarding school wide program development for students with significant special education needs
- Consultation to districts to develop district wide programming for students with significant special education needs
- Needs assessment and support for implementation of trauma informed practices that support other initiatives, eg. SEL, school climate, etc.
- Consultation in response to challenging behaviors in the classroom
We offer training for paraprofessionals, teachers, related service providers, administrators
- ADOS-2 Training
- Topics related to applied behavior analysis
- Topics related to autism spectrum disorder
- Topics related to mental health and trauma informed care
- Topics related to school climate, restorative practices.
We offer training, consultation, and program development in the area of MTSS/PBIS, school climate, and restorative practices
- Needs assessment for the development of integrated tiered systems of support for social emotional, behavioral, and academic needs to achieve optimal student outcomes
- Individualized support for development and implementation of MTSS/PBIS or school climate systems
For information, contact:
Dr. Christine Peck
Autism Services
C.E.S. offers support services for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. For information, contact:
Dr. Christine Peck
We offer comprehensive assessments and evaluations for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
These assessment services include:
- Diagnostic/Classification Assessment featuring ADI (Autism Diagnostic Interview) and ADOS (Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale)
- Comprehensive psychological assessment including cognitive evaluation, adaptive assessment, diagnostic/classification assessment
- Comprehensive clinical/behavioral assessment including cognitive evaluation, adaptive assessment, diagnostic/classification assessment, and behavioral evaluation
- Functional Behavioral Assessment for intervention with specific target behaviors
School Climate Implementation Support
- A review of school climate practices, including assessment, survey development, data analysis & implementation support
- Training in restorative practices & integration with multi-tiered systems, including social-emotional/behavioral supports & response to challenging behaviors
- Training & implementation support to facilitate trauma-informed practices at Tier I and training of trainers.
For information, contact:
Dr. Christine Peck