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Oakwood Center for Developmental Therapy-Teaching 


Developmental Therapy-Teaching (DTT) is a well documented educational approach designed originally for children and teens with severe social, emotional, or behavioral challenges. Decades of research have shown that all children progress toward maturation along the same developmental pathways. DTT begins with this knowledge of the sequential pathways for healthy social-emotional and behavioral development. Because it emphasizes teaching the universal competencies that mark healthy maturation for all students pre/k-12, it also is used school-wide for a continuum of services from prevention to targeted or intensive supports.


With a DTT developmental assessment, IEP objectives are selected for missing competencies. This knowledge in turn facilitates selection of instructional activities and materials that are developmentally and emotionally appropriate for each student. Decoding behavior provides additional information for selection of positive, growth-producing behavior strategies. Achievement of these competencies replaces old, maladaptive behaviors to assist students of any age in Doing, Saying, Relating, and Thinking in constructive ways.

Through its assessment instrument, the Developmental Teaching Objectives Rating Form-Revised (DTORF-R) and other materials, DTT:

*Provides assessment, instructional applications, and outcome accountability through the IEP

*Address specific needs of students with severe social, emotional, or behavioral challenges as well as the needs of typically developing students 

*Focuses on content about positive social, emotional, and behavioral development 

*Includes desired competencies for each age group, pre/k to grade 12

*Measures observable competencies for growth, not deficits 

*Partners well with other interventions-PBIS, social skills program, and academic curricula 

*Provides metrics for analyzing student annual performance outcomes 

*Compares student outcomes to those of typically developing age peers

*Facilitates program continuity and accountability across MTSS placements 

*Conveys clear meanings for parents, professionals, and paraprofessionals



The Developmental Therapy Institute was founded in 1978 by Dr. Mary M. Wood, Professor Emerita of Special Education at the University of Georgia. Licensure was shared with The Oakwood Center for DTT in 2023. Our mission is to promote the use of Developmental Therapy-Teaching to ensure that all students, including those with autism and severe emotional and behavioral challenges, achieve social-emotional competence, responsible behavior, and academic success. The Oakwood Center for DTT provides professional development, coaching, and resources to educators, therapists, childcare staff, parents, and others concerned about the social-emotional and behavioral lives of children and teens.


Those who are interested in learning more about available services and training can email certified DTT Instructors
Stacey Cronk ( and Sharyl Cordone ( for additional information.